Filmography Anli Serfontein

As Director of Documentary Films for Television


Anli is currently working on a South African documentary “Honesty is a Duty”


Our Man in South Africa - IKON


Beyers Naudé – portrait of anti-apartheid theologian (with Hennie Serfontein) – SABC / IKON


Breyten Breytenbach - The Afrikaans poet and artist in Paris (with Hennie Serfontein) - SABC

White Fear for the Elections - Reuters


Breaking the Fetters 2 - (with Hennie Serfontein) an updated version of the story of white Afrikaners meeting the ANC and new footage of ANC leaders, including Thabo Mbeki, speaking on their thoughts when they returned from exile. - SABC


Orania - Rightwing, whites only town – NCRV


Namibia - SWAPO leadership returns from exile (with Hennie Serfontein) - Swedish TV, NCRV.


Interview Salman Rushdie. An interview conducted with the author in 1985 on religious intolerance, but shelved and never broadcasted at the time, is broadcasted to its full length after the fatwa was declared. IKON


Portrait of a South African Jazz Band - Mango Groove - SDR

You Strike a Woman, You Strike a Rock – 3 Black actresses working under the State of Emergency laws  - Kulturweltspiegel WDR

Mapitso - A Black Child in Soweto - WDR Children's Programme

Breaking the Fetters (with Hennie Serfontein) - the story of white Afrikaners meeting the ANC in Dakar. – Independent film shown to selected audiences

Frank Chikane – portrait of an anti-apartheid theologian, WDR (with Hennie Serfontein)


Press Curbs in South Africa – NCRV (with Hennie Serfontein)

Miriam Tlali - Black Writer in Soweto (including writing & directing actors for re-enactment of scenes from the books) - IKON

Emigration from South Africa - ARD Weltspiegel

Soweto – 10 Years after the Uprising – ARD (with Heinrich Büttgen)

The crowning of the Last Bush King – Swaziland – ARD (with Heinrich Büttgen)


Ten Years Women's Movement in The Netherlands - IKON

The Plight of Black Women in The Netherlands - IKON

The Mandela Family - Fighting for Hope (with Hennie Serfontein and Wil van Neerven) - IKON


South African Exiles – Experimental Art Film with Music and Poetry– Dutch NOS Training Programme


The Socio-Political Documentary Filmmaker Leo Hurwitz – IKON (Awarded Filmfonds Televisieprijs Prize at Dutch Film Festival, Utrecht 1984)

The Women of Greenham Common - IKON